iDental Surgery®

Complete Wellness™ Dentistry - Sydney, Australia


Celebrate South King

Between June 14-28, 2023, the Inner West community will be shining a light on the vibrant, creative and ever-evolving shopping, dining and entertainment precinct that is South King Street with five days of community-led activities. To find out more about the events & activities happening as part of Celebrate South King, visit the official website […]

Kiss With Confidence This Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day on February 14, now is the time to get prepared. From booking restaurants, to organising babysitters, picking out an outfit and, of course, we can’t forget about our mouth. With Cupid’s arrows flying around, it is important to be able to kiss with confidence. Here are a few of our tips: Get […]

Teeth Grinding

If your dentist has noticed signs of grinding (also known as Bruxism) on your teeth you’re not alone, around 5% of the population regularly grind their teeth and this number has increase significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are not aware that they grind because it often occurs unconsciously while we are sleeping. […]


We understand that no one’s every excited when their dentist tells them they need a filling, however it is a super important step in maintaining long-term oral health and preventing larger, more expensive procedures. There are a few reasons someone will need a filling, the most common being to remove decay or repair cracks. What […]