Health Advice

Why Should I Visit The Dentist Every 6 Months?

We’ve all heard the advice to visit the dentist regularly, typically every six months. But have you ever wondered why it’s so crucial to maintain this routine? The Australian Dental Association (ADA) and the Australian Dental Association NSW have provided valuable facts and statistics that illuminate the significance of this age-old practice. Early Detection Of […]

Teeth Grinding

If your dentist has noticed signs of grinding (also known as Bruxism) on your teeth you’re not alone, around 5% of the population regularly grind their teeth and this number has increase significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are not aware that they grind because it often occurs unconsciously while we are sleeping. […]


We understand that no one’s every excited when their dentist tells them they need a filling, however it is a super important step in maintaining long-term oral health and preventing larger, more expensive procedures. There are a few reasons someone will need a filling, the most common being to remove decay or repair cracks. What […]

Deep Clean

Deep Clean (Periodontal Treatment) A deep clean is a straight forward procedure, similar to your regular cleaning, except the dentist goes deeper in the gum to clean out the pockets (gaps in the gums around the teeth), therefore you will be numbed. The dentist recommends this treatment when there are signs of gum disease. Signs […]