At What Age Should I Start Taking My Child To The Dentist?

Your Child May Be Eligible For FREE Dental Treatment

It is a great idea to bring your children in to iDental Surgery to see a dentist from about 2 years old when they have most of their baby teeth. Often, children first come to see us if they have had an accident and have hit their teeth. We love our little patients.

Most children are surprisingly very intrigued by all the dental gadgets on the chair, including blowing up a glove balloon using pressurised air. In younger children, we usually count their teeth and polish them clean. If your children happen to be with you when you have your dental visit, they can even have a ride in the dental chair! The earlier that your children come to the dentist, the more comfortable and excited they are.

A great tip is to use a soft cloth or gauze to gently rub and clean your infant’s mouth even before teeth appear. Once teeth appear get your infant used to holding a toothbrush and make sure you gently brush their teeth at least nightly. Do not use any toothpaste until they are 18 months old.

iDental Surgery accepts the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) and bulk bill. This covers part or the full cost of some dental services for children up to a certain limit determined by the Government and by your child’s remaining Medicare balance. To be eligible for CDBS services, your child must be

  • Aged 2-17 years of age for at least one day in the calendar year
  • Eligible for Medicare
  • Receiving or be part of a family receiving an eligible Australian Government payment such as the Family Tax Benefit Part A

Want More Information?

To learn more, call iDental Surgery on (02) 9557 7775 or visit

At What Age Should I Start Taking My Child To The Dentist?