How Much Sugar Is Hiding In Your Trolley?

When was the last time you took a closer look at your shopping trolley?

Sugar is everywhere – even in certain items which appear to be healthy on the surface. This Dental Health Week (August 3-9, 2020), our aim is to inform you about what is really in the food you eat & how you can become a healthier person.

Figures show that on average, Australians are consuming 14 teaspoons of sugar per day, more than the maximum 6 teaspoons per day recommended by the World Health Organisation. This is having a negative effect on Australia’s dental health according to Australia’s Oral Health Tracker (

This year’s Dental Health Week is all about focusing on your sugar consumption in relation to the food you eat, and how sugar can have a negative impact on your overal dental health.

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How Much Sugar Is Hiding In Your Trolley?