By Peter SamiosPosted on December 3, 2024Posted in ArticlesTagged christmas, Newtown We're Making A List We’re building a list of Newtown’s BEST Christmas lights. But we need your help!If you know of any streets/addresses where we can find amazing lights, please tell us and we’ll add it to the list.Check back here to see a full list of the BEST Christmas lights in our community. Check Out These Amazing Newtown Christmas Lights iDental Surgery, 541 King Street, NewtownDickson Street, NewtownHolmwood Street, Newtown Add To Our List Above Name *Email *Where can we find Newtown's BEST Christmas Lights? *Yes, I would like to receive regular email updates from iDental SurgeryNameSubmit Newtown’s BEST Christmas Lights Post navigation iDental Surgery Wins At The 2024 Australian Women’s Small Business Champion Awards