iDental Surgery®

Award-Winning Complete Wellness Dentistry™ - Sydney, Australia

White Fillings

iDental Surgery takes tooth coloured restorations seriously.

Ideally, regular dental visits can minimise the chance of you experiencing decay or cavities. A change in your health, diet, eating habits, oral hygiene at home or even pregnancy can predispose you to dental decay. We only use white fillings and if your filling is large and the tooth is healthy, a ceramic or metal crown will be recommended by your dentist.

Several materials can be used to restore your teeth. These include composite resin, glass ionomer materials, all-ceramic inlays, onlays or crowns and metal-porcelain crowns. Different restorative options may be more suitable for particular restorations. Factors such as the amount of tooth structure remaining, the size of the restoration required, previous restorations, teeth missing, tooth position and gum health are all considered when choosing an appropriate restorative material.

The restoration material composite resin is used for fillings and is available in several shades (colours). The shade is individually selected to suit your teeth. Several different composite resins are readily available and used for the appropriate site in the mouth. Teeth in aesthetic areas visible when smiling can be restored with composites that give a very natural result.

Sometimes resins may only be an intermediate solution to restoring your smile as other materials are stronger and could last longer.

Composite or Porcelain veneers and crowns can be bonded to the surface of teeth to hide discolouration, change tooth colour, shape and position. Invisalign or tooth alignment used together with tooth coloured restorations can greatly enhance your smile if it is appropriate for you.

To book your consultation, call iDental Surgery today on (02) 9557 7775.

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