iDental Surgery

Complete Wellness Dentistry - Sydney, Australia

Emergency Dentistry

Don’t put up with sore teeth, sore gums or pain. Especially if you are experiencing facial swelling or dental trauma.

Give us a call right away & we will prioritise your appointment and see you as soon as we can.

What is a dental emergency?

An emergency can be when you:

  • Feel discomfort or pain in your mouth that you cannot ignore.
  • Sore teeth/mouth.
  • Have a facial swelling.
  • Have a broken tooth.
  • Have trauma to your teeth/mouth.
  • Can taste pus/blood from somewhere in your mouth.

Please contact us on (02) 9557 7775 at the first sign of your discomfort.

If outside of business hours and you are in a lot of pain please head straight to the emergency department of your nearest hospital.

Save time. Book online.

Time For Your Next Visit?

Emergency Dentistry